Santa Ana Boulevard Bridge Replacement

Filippin Engineering, Inc.
Ojai, California

Project Summary

The replacement of the Santa Ana Boulevard Bridge was the first major project component of the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration; it was one of five public infrastructure projects that must be completed before the eventual removal of the Matilija Dam can take place.  The $16.5M project replaced an existing 210-foot long bridge with a 350-foot bridge to widen a constricted section of the Ventura River.  Santa Ana Boulevard was also widened to accommodate pedestrian facilities and bike lanes, grades were adjusted, and utilities were relocated. 

Materials Testing and Inspection

Earth Systems provided compaction testing of the structure backfill for the bridge and retaining walls; compaction testing of utility trench backfill; compaction testing of fill for road construction; compaction testing of pavement subgrade, aggregate base and asphaltic concrete; sampling and testing of concrete on-site, batch plant inspection during concrete placements, and associated laboratory materials testing.