Pressure Zone Reservoirs and Water Pipelines

Krieger & Stewart. Inc.
Thousand Palms, California

Project Summary

Earth Systems conducted a geotechnical engineering investigation for the three planned water storage reservoirs (2×7.2 million gallon (MG) and 1×3.2 MG) and associated 36-inch domestic water transmission main (ductile iron) for the associated the Sky Mountain and Mission Hills Pressure Zone pipeline and reservoir improvement project (SMPZ and MHPZ, respectively) pressure zones to be constructed in the unincorporated area of Thousand Palms in Riverside County, California.

Scope of Work

The tanks were flat-bottom, steel or concrete tanks, 133 to 199 feet in diameter. Site development included site grading (including a line-of-sight obstruction berm), tank and equipment pad preparation, and underground utility installation.  The pipeline utilities initiated at the reservoirs site, crossed the I-10 freeway and Union Pacific Railroad line, terminating near Bob Hope Drive and Dinah Shore Drive.  Pipeline invert elevations were on the order of 5 to 20 feet below existing grades.  Pipe-jacking/micro tunneling was utilized at the Union Pacific Railroad and I-10 freeway crossings. Study also included seismic refraction/ReMi surveys in the tank area for shear wave velocity and site specific seismic analysis due to the near fault nature of the site.