Advanced Purification

Carpinteria Valley Water District
Carpinteria, California

Project Summary

The project included an Advanced Water Purification Facility, a purified water pump station, a purified water pipeline, a purified water pipeline crossing Highway 101, two purified water injection wells, groundwater monitoring wells, and modifications to the existing ocean outfall.  Where the pipeline crosses Highway 101, construction will be coordinated with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).  Earth Systems’ geotechnical report was based upon subsurface exploration using mud rotary drilling methods, cone penetrometer (CPT) soundings, laboratory testing of selected soil samples, and geotechnical analysis of the data.

Geotechnical Investigation

This project involved an extensive geotechnical investigation, with several phases of fieldwork.  Borings were drilled initially on city streets for the distribution system, and later at the plant site and the Highway 101 crossing, the latter of which involved permits and interaction with Caltrans.  Fieldwork was initiated in July 2023.  Mr. Mazzei was the technical lead on the project.