University Channel Island's Glen Neighborhood

Vintage Housing
Camarillo, California

Project Summary:

Earth Systems provided geotechnical engineering and materials testing/special inspection services for Kennedy Wilson’s development of a thirty-two-acre residential community north of the State University Channel Island’s University Glen neighborhood. The ongoing development includes 310 market-rate apartments, 109 for-sale homes, and 170 income-restricted apartments for seniors.

Geotechnical Engineering:

During the design phase, Earth Systems provided geotechnical services which involved observation, testing, and geotechnical criteria for mass earthwork, pavement area preparation, foundation design, and utility trench backfill.

Materials Testing and Inspection:

For the construction phase, Earth Systems provided special inspection and construction materials testing including sampling, testing and/or special inspection of reinforced concrete, reinforcing steel, structural steel, welding, and wood frames.