Mission & Values

At Earth Systems, being integral members of our community is a way of life.

  • We support efforts both locally and globally that foster healthy villages, towns, and cities;
  • We encourage the development of young people’s talents and aspirations;
  • We assist communities to improve their quality of life by contributing to sustainable projects supporting our common basic needs; and,
  • We provide services in support of the development of renewable energies and apply strategies minimizing the environmental impact of site development.
Earth Systems practices sound ethical standards in our business activities and provide quality geoprofessional services within a safe and rewarding work environment. Earth Systems strongly supports the ASCE Code of Ethics.
Robust communities start with sound foundations. At Earth Systems we support our neighborhoods from the ground up by contributing to a number of non-profit organizations. We donate monetarily and by providing our professional expertise pro bono. We participate personally by taking part in construction and renovation efforts and volunteering with youth organizations and charity events.
  • Boy Scouts of America leader
  • Junior Varsity softball coach
  • “Dads’ Group” leader for Moms’ Club
  • Youth basketball coach
  • YMCA volunteer
  • Blood donations
  • AYSO (soccer) coach
  • Elementary school volunteer
  • Children’s Center volunteer
  • Used paper from office operations is either turned into notepads or recycled.
  • Bottles and cans from beverages are recycled through local agencies such as  bottlesandcans.com.
  • Concrete and masonry waste from laboratory testing is sent to a local recycler.
  • Soil remaining from laboratory testing is used at building sites as fill material.

Earth Systems offers services applicable to the development of sustainable sites. As a team member, we contribute to the efforts of architects, engineers, and developers toward certification by the LEED Green Building Rating System.

Earth Systems participates in the San Luis Obispo Hydromodification Technical Advisory Committee, which was formed to provide technical review and recommendations for hydromodification control criteria, low impact development strategies and other related stormwater quality issues. The goal is to ensure the development of practical, feasible, and cost-effective stormwater management that protects and supports healthy watersheds.

Committed to the advancement of renewable energy, Earth Systems provides services in the support of wind, solar, and geothermal energy development. We employ low-impact methods of subsurface exploration and data gathering. Our proprietary engineered foundation systems allow development on reclaimed land.

Participating in our Communities

How Can We Help You?